Bug - Fixed Multibuying from the purchases tab only buys one of the requested item.

Malibu Stacey

Active member
I suspect this is related to the recent changes to handling of shops/coinmasters.

Searching for "karma shawarma"...
Search complete.
Purchasing karma shawarma (37 @ 7 Coins-spiracy)...
Visiting the The SHAWARMA Initiative...
You acquire an item: karma shawarma
The SHAWARMA Initiative successfully looted!
Desired purchase quantity not reached (wanted 37, got 1)

> /count Coinspiracy

You    have 9124 Coins-spiracy.
Using the create tab in the Item Manager also creates one at a time instead of simply multibuying until it finally gets the amount requested (I assume the relevant CLI & ASH functions will do similarly).

Haven't tested any other coinmasters yet.
I've identified the issue and restored the line that I removed because it sure looked like a kludge.
In fact, it had a comment that said "Kludge for the use of CoinmasterPurchaseRequest".
Maybe I will look harder, later, but for now when I ask to purchase 2 yak skins, it actually gets 2 from the Trapper.