Bug MP saving on skills

I found out something cool this run: Mafia automatically equips my Stainless Steel Solitaire to save MP when I'm casting skills. Most of the time. And it doesn't always cast enough times when you hit max cast.

I've found that the BRICKOs summon does *not* trigger KoLMafia putting on the solitaire before casting. Furthermore, when telling Mafia to maxcast something like Salamander Kata, it does equip the solitaire before casting, but it does not cast it as much as it could. It calculates the casting amount based on 5 MP instead of 3 after the 2 MP reduction from the solitaire. This causes me to have to hit maxcast many, many times to get rid of my MP and turn it into sweet, sweet buffs.

There is also a corollary bug that I've seen on this front. If I have 3 or 4 MP and hit maxcast for the Kata, it does nothing. If I hit cast, however, it switches to my solitaire and casts the skill, despite not thinking that I have enough MP. So while maxcast "knows" that I can't cast the Kata, the cast button seems to try anyway. It seems like it should know better.


That last bit is not a bug. The "cast" command will attempt to restore MP if you do not have enough to cast the skill.