A change has been made to the way ranged weapon damage is calculated.
Also, Moxious Maneuver is now no longer a thing. And after ten years, Jick breathed a sigh of relief.
Those appeared as an announcement yesterday.
With r12133 I noticed two things:
BCCAscend was unable to maintain moods. It would do whatever it does and then stop with a message about no such skill.
The mood was:
gain_effect carlweather's cantata of confrontation => uneffect Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation
gain_effect just the best anapests => uneffect just the best anapests
lose_effect butt-rock hair => use 5 hair spray
lose_effect disco state of mind => cast 1 disco aerobics
lose_effect fat leon's phat loot lyric => cast 1 fat leon's phat loot lyric
lose_effect leash of linguini => cast 1 leash of linguini
lose_effect mariachi mood => cast 1 moxie of the mariachi
lose_effect peeled eyeballs => use 1 knob goblin eyedrops
lose_effect smooth movements => cast 1 smooth movement
lose_effect springy fusilli => cast 1 springy fusilli
lose_effect the sonata of sneakiness => cast 1 the sonata of sneakiness
and when I tried to manually execute each one I got the "no skill error" so my guess is that something changed in KoL that mafia needs to react to.
Never ascended Level 101 Pastamancer doing the Video Dungeon. Between yesterday and today WHAM has now decided it cannot figure out how to kill the monsters and leaves them to me. Since I can one shot them with Weapon of the Pastalord and have no reason to stasis and that was the strategy it chose yesterday, I'm guessing that something not necessarily under WHAM's control changed.