Feature - Implemented Move trapper, hermit to Coin Masters interface


Just an idea. The new coin master interface is awesome, and more stuff could be moved into it.
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Staff member
Not a bad idea.

We have special knowledge of both of those in the "retrieve item" ("acquire") functionality. As discussed in my Coin Masters New Features thread (which has generated no interest - or at least, no comments - so far), I'd like to generalize that to cover ALL Coin Masters.


Staff member
I should do this, now that InventoryManager.retrieveItem will get any item from a Coin Master if autoSatisfyWithCoinmasters is true. Like all Coin Masters, these have their own special wrinkles:

- The Tr4pz0r is available only if you have completed his quest - and we don't currently track that.
- The hermit has an item which can run out: daily ten-leaf clovers
- The hermit accepts "worthless items" - which are actually three different item ids.

I could get rid more special case code in InventoryManager.retrieveItem(), which has special knowledge of the Tr4pz0r and the Hermit.


Staff member
Oooh. I wouldn't mind having the Hermit coinmaster panel have a "go fish" button to get another worthless item. This is looking even more like something I'd personally use...


The hermit would probably be the most used coinmaster ever. "Go Fish" button would be godly.


Staff member
Hmm. It's not deducting worthless items correctly when I spend them during clover fetching as part of breakfast.
I have to go to bed. I'll look at this in the morning.

Edit: Aargh. Revision 9528
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Hope you got some sleep. Geez.

There might still be some minor gremlins to work out. Not sure this is anything but cosmetic.

> hermit chisel

Searching for "chewing gum on a string"...
Search complete.
Purchasing chewing gum on a string (1 @ 50)...
You acquire an item: chewing gum on a string
You spent 50 Meat
Purchases complete.
Using 1 chewing gum on a string...
You acquire an item: worthless knick-knack
Finished using 1 chewing gum on a string.
Visiting the Hermit...
Searching for "hermit permit"...
Search complete.
Purchasing hermit permit (1 @ 100)...
You acquire an item: hermit permit
You spent 100 Meat
Purchases complete.
[B]Visiting the Hermit...
Hermit successfully looted!
Hermit successfully looted![/B]
Visiting the Hermit...
You acquire an item: chisel
Hermit successfully looted!


Staff member
I basically turned the exiting HermitRequest into a CoinMasterRequest, keeping existing bugs. :)
Here is the explanation:

Visiting the Hermit...
Searching for "hermit permit"...
Search complete.
Purchasing hermit permit (1 @ 100)...
You acquire an item: hermit permit
You spent 100 Meat
Purchases complete.
Visiting the Hermit...
Hermit successfully looted!
Hermit successfully looted!

Notice you have a nested visit to the hermit:

We visit the hermit.
...we notice that we need a hermit permit
...we buy a hermit permit and try again
......we visit the hermit
......hermit successfully looted!
...hermit successfully looted!

Having visited him without purchasing (which we do to check for clovers, the first time you want something from him in a day), THEN we visit him with worthless item and permit and do the trade.
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Staff member
Revision 9534 adds the Elite Tr4pz0r as a Coin Master and removes all the special case code to "acquire" hippo/penguin/yak skins from him; it now happens automatically as needed if you have autoSatisfyWithCoinmasters on.

We do not currently notice or remember if the Tr4pz0r quest is complete. I'll be doing that tomorrow, so I may as well add and test it then...