Feature More graceful handling of SVN repositories being offline? Show SVN urls?


So - Sourceforge.net is currently offline as of 11:30 AM Mountain time Feb 5 2016, and it continues to about 12:30 PM (an hour). The svn auto-update in my Mafia startup sequence looks a bit like this:

Updating all SVN projects...
bale-advisor is at HEAD (r25)
bale-ocd is at HEAD (r39)
svn: E204900: Could not open the requested SVN filesystem
bumcheekascend-snapshot is at HEAD (r631)
formhtml is at HEAD (r1)
svn: E204900: Could not open the requested SVN filesystem
svn: E204900: Could not open the requested SVN filesystem
mafiarecovery is at HEAD (r23)
svn: E204900: Could not open the requested SVN filesystem
winterbay-mafia-wham is at HEAD (r47)
zlib is at HEAD (r28)

It'd be nice to know WHICH filesystem is offline (what the URL in question is). It's not really clear which project is having the SVN filesystem open failure, whether it was the project on the line above or below or it has been completely replaced with the failure message (I suspect this is the case).

It would also be nice for the "svn list" command to actually show the URL for the svn projects you've checked out.

Additionally, the Script Manager behaves weirdly when the repos aren't available. Attempting to install BatBrain when SF.net was offline did this:
(clicked install - no GUI feedback)
(some time later in the CLI, presumably after a timeout...)
svn: E175002: connection refused by the server
Unable to connect with repository at /p/batbrain/code

Odd it said "Done" and not "OMG FAILURE!". Also odd it doesn't print the entire SVN URL, just the subdirectory.

I'm sure this will become largely irrelevant when SF comes back online in (a random number of minutes or hours) but I thought it was worth mentioning.
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