Bug - Not A Bug More Choice Adventure Hijinks?


there's a lot of choice adventures where this sort of thing seems to be happening:

I imagine this is fallout from the earlier choice adventure issues (and probably a known issue). I wish I had a list of all the ones I'm noticing, but this is an example from my current GCLI.

[401] Barrrney's Barrr
Encounter: Arrr You Man Enough?
Detecting     installation status of choice #187 (detected from page text)...
Unable     to invoke choice_187
Choice #187 is not     installed or contains an error.

Detecting     installation status of choice #187 (detected from page text)...
Unable     to invoke choice_187
Choice #187 is not     installed or contains an error.

[402] Barrrney's     Barrr
Encounter: Arrr You Man Enough?
Detecting     installation status of choice #187 (detected from page text)...
Unable     to invoke choice_187
Choice #187 is not     installed or contains an error.

Detecting     installation status of choice #187 (detected from page text)...
Unable     to invoke choice_187
Choice #187 is not     installed or contains an error.
The phrase "installation status" does not occur anywhere in KoLmafia's source. In fact, none of the text after each "Encounter" comes from KoLmafia itself.

I wonder what script you are running that is printing that stuff?
I had a hunch that this was the fault of rlbond86's modular choice override, so I searched the code for "installation status of choice" and there it is!

output("Detecting installation status of choice #" + num + " (detected from " + src + ")...", "green", false);

This is a choice override bug, so we'll leave it to rulbond86 to fix. Please report it in THIS thread.

So do I. Is there any way to find out?
(All the scripts I've ever downloaded are through SVN)

I would have recommended that you check if you have a choice.ash script in your /relay directory to see if the problem is there, but I kinda skipped that step by finding the culprit myself.
Thanks. I'm probably goin to ditch this script. Seems like it's not doing much for me. I did report it in that thread, looks like it hasn't been active for a while.