MMG alias


I'm trying to make a CLI alias "mmg <x>" which will place a bet of specified amount in the MMG.

Using the Galaktik alias (see,1017.0.html) as a model, I am trying:


But, when I type that in the CLI, the bet is not actually placed. (typing that URL into the browser, KOL gives the amusing message: You attempt to conjure some Fool's Meat from thin air using your Mysticality, and generate a large pile of shady looking Meat. You hand it proudly to the old man. The old man sniffs it once, then throws it into your face, snarling "We don't take no Fool's Meat here, son. Come back when you got the real thing.")

Any suggestions? For what it's worth, the relevant (I think) HTML from the KOL frame is:

form action=bet.php name=makebet method=post>
input type=hidden name=action value=makebet>
input type=hidden name=pwd value=5e3cc3b2595b7291b302d1fa85ae413>
input type=hidden name=from value=0>Make a bet for <input name=howmuch size=9> Meat
input class=button type=submit value='Make Bet'></center></form>

-TH3Y thank you...
Do you think it might have to do with the fact that you normally have to tell the game if you are taking the meat from Hagnk's or on-hand?
Going through the minibrowser, I took a bet, and I received the following url:

taking that information, I came up with the following url which makes a bet

For the from field: 1 is hagnks and 0 is from your current meat
and the other thing you were missing is the confirm=on, cause there is a checkbox correct? So...yea, that should work. For me it placed a 1000 meat bet from my meat on hand.
That works! The checkbox is only if you are going to *take* a bet, but the "from" is necessary. So my final, tested-to-work alias is:

alias mmg bet.php?pwd&action=makebet&from=0&howmuch=%%

Thanks for the assist!