Bug - Cannot Reproduce Missing nuns in Daily Deeds - r9317


New member
For the past few daily builds, roughly since Corman decided to pay us a visit, I no longer see the nuns link for restores in the Daily Deeds, under the hottub button.

Is this button moved somewhere else, or has it fallen by the wayside?

Thank you.

PS. Just checked. The button was still visible in r9300.


I've also got an aftercore character that still sees the nuns button (r9317) after completing as a frat and another that has that button after completing the quest as a hippy. Is there an edge case that isn't being covered? Did you get a Wossname? Neither Veracity nor I can reproduce this.

Perhaps someone will think of a reason for your problem. I know that sometimes the button will vanish if mafia looses your settings, but visiting the nuns will take care of that problem and make the button appear again. Obviously that isn't your issue because you can still see it when you downgrade to 9300. Very strange.

I'm marking this bug "Cannot Reproduce".
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New member
Thank you Bale. Problem is solved, at least for today.
I visted the nuns in the relay browser, and that made the button appear in Mafia.

Why, how, or what? No idea.
Will it stay visible tomorrow? Will have to see. :)

Thanks for the suggestion.

Please close this bug report.