Mining Utilities Suite: utils-mining.ash

In making my volcano mining script, I found the lack of documented native support for mining to be a little bit frustrating. Moreover, there are certain logic elements (like testing for outfits/WOTSF-EarthenFist) and functions (like mining at a particular square) that are reused in various smart mining scripts.

This is a mining utility suite to provide those functions. It's still very early in development, but I hope it's useful. It'll be slow in coming, because I'm making the documentation as detailed as possible.

Download from
Or svn checkout

Want to include this in your project?

- Download the latest build of Mafia:
- Add the line to dependencies.txt in the root directory of your repository.
- In your .ASH script, write import <utils_mining.ash>;
- Kmail me with issues!

Dependencies: Currently, none.


Contributions and suggestions very welcome!

Please kmail professorjellybean for issues, since I no longer maintain my own account very much.

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utils_mining_mineAtSpot() has a mineCode parameter so that it will work with multiple mines, but utils_mining_wearingMiningGear() will only work with two specific mines. (Or three if we count The Gummi Mines.) Is this utility set also intended to support The Velvet / Gold Mine and Anemone Mine? If so, utils_mining_wearingMiningGear() should also receive mineCode.
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