Bug Maximizer unable to execute suggested outfit changes


Staff member
Not easily reproducible. Occurred with bccascend trying to do Twin Peaks.

Have Shagadelic Disco Banjo equipped.

Maximize "item, food drop"

Maximizer suggests
equip weapon finger cymbals
equip off-hand fancy opera glasses

and equipping fails with a message about equipping something offhand when a two handed weapon is in use.

I can equip the suggestion manually.

I could reproduce it reliably when the next step was the Twin Peaks, but when I finished that quest, did a few other things and tried to reproduce it for this report things worked. So this isn't a bug report as much as it is a request that anyone else who sees something similar report it in hopes that there will be enough info to track it down.

That suggests to me that the finger cymbals equip had failed for some reason, so the two handed weapon was still equipped, and the opera glasses then correctly failed.
That suggests to me that the finger cymbals equip had failed for some reason, so the two handed weapon was still equipped, and the opera glasses then correctly failed.

I'll watch for that. I don't think the inventory got out of synch.
I believe that happens when it tries to equip the offhand BEFORE the weapon gets equipped. Unfortunately, the order displayed isn't always the order it tries to take the actions in, and when offhand equips before weapon, sometimes you get that error.
Not that I have looked at the code, but my kneejerk reaction is unequip everything that needs to be unequipped, before trying to equip anything. I understand that, at this moment, I'm not sure where/how to do that and whether doing so has undesirable consequences.
Unequipping is often a wasted server hit when you can just equip a new item in the slot. In this instance, equipping the 1-handed weapon first means there's no need to separately unequip anything.