Bug Maximizer can't temporarily equip Cincho. Sometimes.


Staff member
Maximizing for Meat Drop at the Themthar Hills:

cast 1 Cincho Party Soundtrack (+20)

I select it and push "execute selected"

Cannot choose slot to equip Cincho de Mayo.
That skill is unavailable.

It "cannot choose slot" if swapping the accessory would decrease buffed MP or HP.

Accessory 1: Everfull Dart Holster (Mus/Mys/Mox +10%)
Accessory 2: incredibly dense meat gem (Max MP + 10)
Accessory 3: bejeweled pledge pin (Max HP +40)
OK, did it again, for item drop:

Accessory 1: Everfull Dart Holster (Mus/Mys/Mox +10%)
Accessory 2: astral belt (Mus/Mys/Mox +10%)
Accessory 3: hockey stick of furious angry rage (Mus +5%)
It won't usually autounequip items if it does something that costs you resources like reducing your max HP/MP. In autoscend we put cincho high up on the priority list so it gets used when it's available automatically.

But I actually opened this forum to report something similar. I'm in KoE and it's struggling using the Powerful Glove skills because it's trying to equip the replica from LoL rather than the real Glove. It also tries to equip the replica Glove when we do have the powerful glove equipped, but it can still cast even though it fails.

> cast triple size

Cannot acquire: replica Powerful Glove.
That skill is unavailable.
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 3076 to 3077

> equip powerful glove

Putting on Powerful Glove...
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 3077 to 3078
Equipment changed.

> cast triple size

Cannot acquire: replica Powerful Glove.
You acquire an effect: Triple-Sized (20)
Maximizing for Meat Drop at the Themthar Hills:

cast 1 Cincho Party Soundtrack (+20)

I select it and push "execute selected"

Cannot choose slot to equip Cincho de Mayo.
That skill is unavailable.

It "cannot choose slot" if swapping the accessory would decrease buffed MP or HP.

Accessory 1: Everfull Dart Holster (Mus/Mys/Mox +10%)
Accessory 2: incredibly dense meat gem (Max MP + 10)
Accessory 3: bejeweled pledge pin (Max HP +40)
It's not just maximizer. Skill Casting also won't swap. And it's not just the Cincho. Also the powerful glove.
Cannot choose slot to equip Powerful Glove.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.
That skill is unavailable.