Master override relay scripts question


If a Master relay override script is set but it doesn't modify a particular page, does mafia try to get the relay script that it would have tried to get if there had been no Master relay override script?

If this is true then perhaps replacing lines 65-68 of with:
	public static final boolean getClientHTML( final RelayRequest request )
		if (!getClientHTML(request,true)) return getClientHTML(request,false);
		return true;

	public static final boolean getClientHTML( final RelayRequest request, boolean tryMasterRelayOverride )
		String script="";
		if (tryMasterRelayOverride) script = Preferences.getString( "masterRelayOverride" );

would allow Mafia to attempt once with the master relay and upon failure attempt again without using the master relay override. From what I could figure out it looked as though it would fail under a slew of various potential errors but also when nothing had been written to a buffer. I can't speak for all the master relay override scripts available, but I know that Bumcheeckcities BumRats will only write a response of any kind if it is a page that it specificly overrides (as opposed to writing the original unmodified html)...
I was unable to test this, because... I am not very good with java and even though I figured out how to open the svn project... I am still unable to get the project to compile....
Well, I was able to compile and it seems to work.
The only other thing is that maybe there should be the line if(tryMasterRelayOverride && script.length()==0) return false;
should be added to the end of it so that it doesn't make two attempts when no master relay override is set...