Bug - Cannot Reproduce Marketplace Food Doesn't Update Fullness Past 15


I could be mistaken, since I didn't have time to test this more than once today, but after having previously eaten three marketplace foods today (on FoB), a fourth marketplace food did not update my fullness to 20. It wasn't a matter of lag, because it showed up fine in the CLI (and marketplace booze immediately after that also worked), and I'm quite sure I counted correctly, especially since I later managed to eat two hi meins, but not a third.

Edit: In case it wasn't clear, marketplace food refers to Hobopolis Marketplace food.
Did mafia know that you had 30 fullness available? The line for adding to your fullness is just
Preferences.increment( "currentFullness", 5 );
in ChoiceManager.java, with no check for how full you already are, and Preferences.increment doesn't check how full you currently are either. Did mafia deduct the nickels you spent? It's possible that lag ate the page response so nothing was processed.
My fullness updated past 15 just fine, for what it's worth.... I'm guessing lost is probably right on one of those two.
Mafia showed my fullness up until that point as 15/30, so yes, it knew I had 30 available. I didn't check too carefully on nickels, but I'm pretty sure it deducted correctly. And like I said, it wasn't lag, because the stats and advs gained showed up in the CLI (which would not have happened if lag ate it).

And towards the end of my day, when I ate hi meins, it updated fine. It was only that single instance of hobo food that didn't update.
If you then went to the screen again after the failed connection, it would have updated your hobo nickel count properly at that point, but wouldn't have updated your fullness... because it can't.

+1 to Lost/StDoodle explanation.
Sorry, which screen? I'm really quite certain it wasn't lag. I wasn't experiencing any at that time, and after clicking the option to buy the food, it loaded pretty quickly (I know, not exactly scientifically sound data, but...). The CLI (and logs) show all the choice adventures correctly, as well as adventure and stat gains. I agree that, from the look of it, there's no reason my fullness shouldn't have updated, but...this is simply what I noticed. If we need to chalk it up to lag or a fluke, that's fine.
I have already seen Mafia print out the choice adventures and the adventure gain, but not add fullness (or remove nickels). I have no idea why and I don't have a debug log though.
Any screen that involves seeing your inventory's hobo nickel count. Such as, for example, looking at the marketplace again. Or your inventory.