Mall Search Menu system: updated, more items!

Problems/questions are below the horizontal line

Derived from:

Details about the script: The script places a menu driven "Quick Searches" button into mallsearch.php I tried to center the button, and I am pretty close on my screen, but probably not on yours.

Editing searches: This is done in exmplmenu_var.js, and brief instructions are found in comments in the script text. The menu tree is near the bottom Just remember if you add a sub menu item, then the menu that holds it needs to have "number of sub elements" increased to reflect this. I do believe that following the naming scheme already established is required. Based on what I have read, a near infinite number of sub menus is possible.

Changing appearance: There are a lot of features built into this which can change the appearance, and do so much more! Most of these settings can be found in exmplmenu_var.js near the top.

I will of course post a more complete menu system later.

This system could easily be refined and used in other locations if you desire. Doing so is easier than you would think if you do not want to use this quick searches system. Just rebuild the menu system for your needs, re-name searchmall.ash to reflect the page you want the menu to appear on, and comment out:
source.replace_string("<tr><td><center><form name=searchform1", "<tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td><center><form name=searchform1");
in the newly renamed ash file. Your menu will appear on the new page. From here, adjust the position in exmplmenu_var.js and if need be, modify the ash script to make room for the menu (the commented out line is specific to mallsearch pages to make room).

I'm working on this group of files, but encountering a few issues. They work (menu system not completed yet) but not exactly as intended.

First: images are not loaded. They are there to indicate when there is a submenu (they are all arrows). When loading a "dummy" html document straight from my hard drive the images load. I could turn these images off, but I was hoping not to have to.

Updated to add more items to the list. Now the script is very usable for many people!
Fixed again, some items didn't work


  • menu_com.js
    23 KB · Views: 86
  • searchmall.ash
    1.1 KB · Views: 100
  • tri.gif
    76 bytes · Views: 314
  • tridown.gif
    76 bytes · Views: 308
  • trileft.gif
    76 bytes · Views: 321
  • exmplmenu_var.js
    21.3 KB · Views: 87
Re: Mall Search Menu system: Questions aboard!

Further Debugging has led me to discover that there is a difference between "searchmall.php" and "/searchmall.php" I was using "searchmall.php" and that was the cause of the breaking of Favorite Mall Searches.