I equipped a Mace of the Tortoise and Ouija Board as a turtle tamer (in-run). Whenever I tried to extend a turtle tamer buff, Mafia decided it should unequip the mace of the tortoise.
After some investigating, I think changing line... 1447? of kolmafia.request.UseSkillRequest to
should do the trick. Problem seems to be that equippedTool was getting set, then getting overridden by any other pieces of equipment that happened to be equipped.
(this also applies if you're dual-wielding Mace of the Tortoise with turtle totem, or any two distinct saucepans; that may be easier to check)
After some investigating, I think changing line... 1447? of kolmafia.request.UseSkillRequest to
if ( tool.hasEquipped() && equippedTool == null )
(this also applies if you're dual-wielding Mace of the Tortoise with turtle totem, or any two distinct saucepans; that may be easier to check)