Bug Mafia reports that an effect can't be removed, then removes it


I'm haven't dug into this bug too deeply, but in short: Mafia frequently tells me it can't remove an effect, and then goes on to remove that effect.

> uneffect on the trail

On the Trail cannot be removed with an available item or skill...
Using soft green whatever...
On the Trail removed.

It's definitely not specific to $effect[On the Trail], but may be specific to $item[soft green echo eyedrop antidote].
It's trying to use a skill or other item before using SGEEA, to save them, but failing to find one, then using SGEEA.
This is not a bug. Notice the exact message it printed:

"On the Trail cannot be removed with an available item or skill..."

Which is to say, there is no skill or (specialized) item which can remove the effect, so the only option is to use the panacea - the SGEEA.

Perhaps you were confused about the comment about "available item", since an SGEEA is an item, after all. But it is referring to specialized items - antidote, tiny house, forest tears, tripples, ...
Yep, I was confused by that output. It seems very imprecise. SGEEA is an item, and I have one available, so that seems to match the phrase "an available item."

Maybe we could change that message to read "[effect] does not have a specific remedy..." instead? And perhaps add an intervening line for clarity, reading "Soft green whatever can remove it..." So,

> uneffect on the trail

On the Trail does not have a specific remedy...
Soft green whatever can remove it...
Using soft green whatever...
On the Trail removed.