Bug - Won't Fix Mafia not reducing number of Sorority staff guides when using the se] link


Ok I know the title was not all that good, but tried to keep it short. Also sorry if I was ment to keep this in the big thread about the Sorority House, but that thread seemed to be about more basic features and bugs, so I make this a new thread.

Basicly what I experienced a few times now is that the Haunted Sorority House staff guides are not reduced in Mafia's inventory manager.

I'm not sure if this happen at other times as well but what I have is at least one such occasion.

After doing the Non-combat in the sorority house that give the 3 staff guides (from the Dark in the Attic non-combat) there is a [use] from the 3 staff guides that drop.
If I click that anto use them, there is no reduction of the number of staff guides I have in my inventory.

A disguised feature request while I'm at it:
Can we get another [use] link after we have used a staff guide? Loading inv takes ages for me ='(
Like, when "seen previously" is used in fights where an item have been pickpocketed it is shown at the end as well.