Bug - Waiting for Info Mafia loads preference file for wrong character


Staff member
I have resisted making a report about this since I have no idea how to reproduce it. However it has happened to others and I suspect the only way to track it down is from incomplete reports and discussion, so this is a place for that.

The symptom is that mafia starts up for a character and it has clearly loaded the preferences file for a different character. I noticed this because the MRUScripts menu contained scripts that I had never run for a particular character. Subsequent investigation showed mafia thought the running character had never ascended which was not true, but was true of the other character.

I saw this last week although I don't remember which computer it happened on. Both machines have Windows 7 running a flavor of Java 1.6. I do use Dropbox to synchronize mafia directories between the computers. While it might be a factor now, it wasn't when something similar happened several years ago.

I never run two instances of KoLmafia simultaneously and always logout and exit between characters. Thus it is unlikely that there is some leakage because the characters are running in the same instance of a Java VM.
Chiming in. I have the same issue happen. It seems to happen once or twice when logging between characters (using the login command while another character is logged in) for a day or three, and then not happen again for several weeks on any characters. This happened more before I started using Dropbox, but I am now using Dropbox for its versioning and ability to restore the preferences files when they become damaged. Sometimes it's a different character's preferences loaded, sometimes it loads up the default preferences and wipes out all the preferences entirely. I notice that when my restoration settings go away, since all my characters use UR for their recovery script... That's when the preferences file goes from 48k down to less than 30.

Lots of anecdotal, lots of non-replicable. No debug logs when it happens. I'll try to post here when it happens again.
This may have happened to me again. I forced mafia to stop during the logout script, it exited, but left the active session file behind. The restart grabbed the wrong character - a new one, not the one who had just aggressively logged out.