Bug - Fixed Mafia does not acknowledge Feast of Boris after ascending


New member
TLDR: Mafia thinks my stomach capacity (after eating Steel Lasagna) is 20, when it should be 35 today.

I started a Hardcore Teetotaler run today, hoping to benefit from Feast of Boris. I saw my character interface (with CHIT installed) said that my stomach capacity was not increased, and though I was disappointed, I pressed on.

Towards the end of my adventures for the day, when I thought I was full, I decided to just scarf down a few hot dogs from the VIP room, just for the heck of it.
I did not get the message for overstuffing with hot dogs, but rather the normal consumption text and one adventure. Weird. I decided to go to my inventory and gulp down some more food, until I was at 30/20 fullness. At that point, I decided that Mafia was missing a couple screws, and decided to log on to Kingdom of Loathing myself. Surprise surprise, I was actually at 30/35 fullness.

Oh, and just to be sure, I tried rebooting Mafia, and it still says I'm at 30/20.
I'm running version r28085, which, in fairness, might be a little outdated.
EDIT: I downloaded r28139 (which, as of writing, is the latest build) after posting this. Still the same issue.
Event    Feast of Boris    Stomach Capacity: [min(1,path(none)+path(Teetotaller))*(1-class(AWOL))*15]
Looks like someone misspelled "Teetotaler".
I assumed that this issue has existed since we changed organ capacity to be tracked as proper modifiers (r27601), which was committed on the date frono identified.

A cursory glance at the code confirms that's the case (typo in modifiers.txt, previous code in KoLCharacter.java referring directly to the path).