Bug - Fixed Mafia didn't recognize I was fighting Spirit of New Wave (The Nemesis' Lair)


Well-known member
So I got some of those helpful BatBrain messages when fighting my Nemesis for the first time in the cave in the mountains:

mafia's monster name 'the spirit of new wave' does not match KoL's monster name 'the Spirit of New Wave'.


the spirit of new wave's phylum is unknown to mafia!

When I checked last_monster() it looked like mafia treated it as an unknown monster:

> ash last_monster()

Returned: the spirit of new wave
id => 0
base_hp => 0
base_attack => 0
base_defense => 0
raw_hp => -1
raw_attack => -1
raw_defense => -1
base_initiative => -1
raw_initiative => -1
attack_element => none
defense_element => none
physical_resistance => 0
min_meat => 0
max_meat => 0
base_mainstat_exp => 2.0
phylum => none
poison => none
boss => false
image =>
images => aggregate boolean [string]
attributes =>

So I thought maybe I should come here and report that mafia doesn't have information on this monster. However, a quick 'monsteref' revealed that mafia does in fact know stuff about this monster, it just didn't know it was this monster for some reason:

> monsteref spirit of

Spirit of New Wave (Inner Sanctum) (undead)
Spirit of New Wave (The Nemesis' Lair) (undead)
Spirit of New Wave (Volcanic Cave) (undead)
the spirit of new wave (none)

I guess the last one was added when I encountered it? Anyway, something is up with the disambiguating there.
Came back to add that in the above post, I meant (Inner Sanctum) rather than (Nemesis' Lair). However, I just fought the Spirit of New Wave (Nemesis' Lair) and encountered the same issue, so my above bug report was actually not in error. :)

EDIT: And same with the (Volcanic Cave) version. All forms of the Spirit of New Wave appear to be unrecognized.
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I'd have to see a DEBUG log in order to begin to figure out what was wrong with this. Last time I did the DB Nemesis path, it worked perfectly. I'll start a new DB run in a few days, after I get my baby mayonnaise wasp, and get DEBUG logs myself if none appears before then.

(I don't suppose anybody has a mayonnaise wasp in their fax machine? If not, I'll get one myself and load it into one of my EasyFax enabled clans, as soon as the RNG cooperates in the Daily Dungeon.)
Yeah, I'm playing catch up basically forever, so no way am I in the current challenge path -- haven't even gotten to Ed yet. Currently getting my Bugbear Invasion factoids.

I'm noting some generally wonky behavior over the last few runs which I'm becoming increasingly suspicious is specific to my computer. My gladiatorXMovesKnown properties haven't updated correctly the last couple of times through the Sea, and my biodataX properties haven't been updating at all (but only on the run I started today, they worked fine the previous run). I just reported the biodata thing as a bug, but I'm thinking now maybe something is acting up specifically on my machine which interferes with parsing combat pages (from my mostly uninformed point of view all of the issues, including this one, appear to be related to parsing things from a combat page...?). Could using a fight.php override be interfering with mafia's parsing of the combat page somehow?

Just in case, I'll see if the issue also occurs for me with the Pastamancer Nemeses this time around and if it does, I'll grab a debug log.
Would like to report that I did just have the same issue with the Spaghetti Elemental in the Nemesis' Lair and the Volcanic Cave using r15878. Grabbed a debug log of my encountering it. Shall I make a new bug report?


<td valign=center>You're fighting <span id='monname'>the Spaghetti Elemental</span></td>
Easy enough to fix.

Revision 15882
Monster Manuel doesn't include "the" even though "the" is in the span. Ah, KoL, you make no sense.