The stack traces that begin with "org.gradle.internal" tell me nothing about the test failure. The sheer number of them make it hard to figure out what the actual problem was.
My recollection is that it wasn't always this way. Logging was added because information related to the failure was not being displayed. But I think some test infrastructure was changed to make that less likely.
Any chance we can go back to the way it was? Or am I the only person who deals with test failures on GitHub?
@Ryo_Sangnoir ?
The stack traces that begin with "org.gradle.internal" tell me nothing about the test failure. The sheer number of them make it hard to figure out what the actual problem was.
My recollection is that it wasn't always this way. Logging was added because information related to the failure was not being displayed. But I think some test infrastructure was changed to make that less likely.
Any chance we can go back to the way it was? Or am I the only person who deals with test failures on GitHub?

@Ryo_Sangnoir ?