Bug - Not A Bug Laggy relay browser


I'm not sure if it's really proper to post my issue as a bug report, but I figured this forum was the most natural place to post the problem, so here I go...

So, I've had some problems with the relay-browser today, often the different panes won't load at all, and when they do, it seems ChIT at least thinks I am in a choice-adventure: http://i.imgur.com/ErOSWH1l.png?1

I don't really know if it is an issue with my connection, mafia itself or one of my scripts, but considering that other websites and vanilla KoL loads fine, I suspect that it is one of the latter two. Restarting mafia didn't help and adventuring from mafia's main interface seems to work fine.

I've tried turning off ChIT by renaming charpane.ash to charpane.blah, but I can't say I saw that much of a difference. I thought I remembered there being a setting for disabling all relay-scripts, but I didn't manage to find it and thus didn't check on whether any other relay-scripts could be the culprit (because I'm lazy). Instead I figured I'd go here and ask if any of you could give me some advice on how I can track down what the issue actually is?
Instead I figured I'd go here and ask if any of you could give me some advice on how I can track down what the issue actually is?

The same place you should start in any reasonably complex debugging operation: a completely vanilla install of mafia.
I've been having lag problems with KoL all morning as well. I'm going to assume that most of my problems are down to intermittent routing problems.
Hmm. Yeah checking again now there doesn't seem to be a problem with lag at all. I guess I must have been lucky when I tried vanilla KoL in the first place :P And that I should have been more patient/tested more before posting here. Sorry.
I have been unable to download the builds for a few days now (latest:13370)

Even running scripts sometimes 'time out' from, what I assume, bad connection when it needs to connect to a website (Bumcheekascend, COunterChecker) during execution. SVN update seems to work fine.

Now, it might just be because Im in China atm and the 'great' Chinese Firewall is blocking some of those connection.
(Heck, even in Iraq on a satelite internet it was better!)

So... I guess, the only way to test that is: is there mirror site to download the latest build other than kolmafia.us/builds ?

EDIT: Just got a "svn: E175002: connection refused by the server" on login

EDIT2: Whhile Im at it, Im having an issue for the past couple of days; whenever I change gear, the pane doesnt refresh, it stays grayed-out. Same thing with food/booze
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So I just used my vpn to download and run Mafia, it seems to fix all the issue I have.

Nothing more to see I guess, move along.