kolmafia's built in Sorceress's Lair Scripts.


I love these scripts, but would like to tweek them just a little.
Is there a place to see the current scripts?

If Not, what I see as room for improvement is when Faceing your shadow there's a check to see if you have enuff HP... what if it did one better and put on clothes that would boost your HP.
Instead, right now it forces you to use the Shard. :(

Also in the Familiar check, instead of stopping for a buff it would be nice for it to either trian, or ask you if you want to train or ask for a buff.
Those scripts are untweakable. Best you can do is to report problems as bugs.

For the first problem, put on your best HP clothes yourself before starting the chamber script, as KoLmafia doesn't ever choose your clothes unless there is a very specific outfit required for a task. Veracity offered to throw an outfit checkpoint around the glass shard battle so that you could go back to the linoleum sword that you already equipped, but I guess it slipped both of our minds when Funkslinging came along. If you've got Funkslinging, there is an already-fixed bug with the code that estimates how much HP you need to win the fight, so you'll be covered there next release.

For the second problem, if you got that message then you do have the choice between spending 5 adventures training your familiar or spending about 10 meat for a buffbot to cast Empathy on you. It's just that YOU have to do it. There really is no decision here as to the "correct" choice, it's just that KoLmafia doesn't want to run any one specific buffbot in its code but rather leave you to use the Buffbot dialog window or your friends to cover you.
Oh, yeah. I forgot about re-equipping after wielding the mirror shard. That's a bug; KoLmafia expects you to be wearing the gear of your choice when you run a built-in script and will not second-guess you by choosing other equipment, but it should honor your choice by leaving you properly equipped for the climactic battle. It does the same thing for the Nemesis: it requips the weapon you started with before doing the Epic Conflict (sic).

Of course, now there's a bug report that we fail to equip the mirror shard if you're dual-wielding ranged weapons, so, with two bugs in the energy bolt code, it's time to go in and work on it, anyway. :)