Bug - Not A Bug KoLmafia doesn't like names for training Scrolls (two space error!)


  • training scroll: Shattering Punch
  • training scroll: Snokebomb
  • training scroll: Shivering Monkey
Background to the issue: r16627 added a second space after the colon in their names to match KoL as indicated necessary by THIS bug report.

That has led to a new problem...

[COLOR="#808000"]> ashq $item[training scroll: Shattering Punch].print()[/COLOR]

Changing "training scroll: Shattering Punch" to "training scroll: Shattering Punch" would get rid of this message ()
training scroll: Shattering Punch

It doesn't matter how many spaces I try to use in the item name, I still get that same warning.


Staff member
This is actually an issue with executing arbitrary ASH in the CLI. It's perfectly fine inside a script.


Huh. That's darn weird. You're right.

I was getting that error so I decided to test out the correct name in the CLI and still got the error. It never occured to me that unlike all other instances in the game, the CLI would give a different result.

Whelp, I don't care anymore since it doesn't affect scripting. Technically there is still a bug here, but it is so minor that I'll mark it 'not a bug' anyway.

Unless a dev actually wants to fix this, then I'd restore it's bugged status for them.