Bug - Not A Bug Knob Goblin Embezzler no longer copyable.


I keep hearing people complaining that this is breaking meat farming scripts. I don't use these scripts, personally. And those who I suggest post it to this site seem hesitant to do so, for whatever reasons. Like I said, I don't personally use the scripts, so I can't test. I can just point out that the monster is no longer copyable, and that that's going to break any automation that relies on copying them.
Making the embezzler non-copyable is a KOL change. Mafia has already been changed to understand it is not copyable. So it is most likely that the complainers are running scripts that depend upon the embezzler being copyable and are not robust enough to work now that is no longer the case. So the problem needs to be fixed by the script writer/maintainer.

Your assessment is correct. Reporting it here is a judgement call but the truth is that nothing is likely to happen unless a script author sees this and wonders if they need to check their script.

I also note that it is not all meat farming scripts. Veracity's Meat Framing script continues to run as it did before :-)
VMF will attempt to fax in whatever you configure - Embezzler is default - but if it is unavailable in the fax network, it shrugs and carries on.

I should remove it as the default (and replace it with what?), but that will have to wait until I get home from Scotland in about 10 days…