New Content ItoM November 2021 - Daylight Shavings Helmet


Staff member
Looking at item #10803...
Unknown item found: packaged Daylight    Shavings Helmet (10803, 530690382)
Unknown item found: Daylight    Shavings Helmet (10804, 362147328)
10804    Daylight Shavings Helmet 362147328 dshelmet.gif hat 0
Daylight Shavings    Helmet 100 none
# Item Daylight Shavings Helmet: Keeps your facial hair    stylish at all times
Item Daylight Shavings Helmet Experience: +3,    Adventures: +5, Familiar Weight: +5
10803    packaged Daylight Shavings Helmet 530690382 dshelmet_box.gif usable t 0
Item    packaged Daylight Shavings Helmet Free Pull


11 new effects found:

2666    Toiletbrush Moustache    dsstache1.gif    e2c09216952563b198d6be5c00de9a4f    neutral    none
Effect    Toiletbrush Moustache    Monster Level: +25, Stench Resistance: +5
2667    Barbell Moustache    dsstache2.gif    0f1ee3c05441592c1911f414b63961b8    neutral    none
Effect    Barbell Moustache    Muscle: +25, Gear Drop: +50
2668    Grizzly Beard    dsstache3.gif    86808cff1f8a44e651187cd104b348ae    neutral    none
Effect    Grizzly Beard    Cold Resistance: +5, MP Regen Min: 25, MP Regen Max: 50, HP Regen Min: 50, HP Regen Max: 100
2669    Surrealist's Moustache    dsstache4.gif    255b2ce1af134cc520f3c24cade39283    neutral    none
Effect    Surrealist's Moustache    Mysticality: +25, Food Drop: +50
2670    Musician's Musician's Moustache    dsstache5.gif    006a01a30c1c9e278c85dc84c7b7af62    neutral    none
Effect    Musician's Musician's Moustache    Moxie: +25, Booze Drop: +50
2671    Gull-Wing Moustache    dsstache6.gif    b22887e130f6b336da89d33e232f13df    neutral    none
Effect    Gull-Wing Moustache    Initiative: +100, Hot Resistance: +5
2672    Space Warlord's Beard    dsstache7.gif    7edebc78a65f3b81a765e540c96c9b87    neutral    none
Effect    Space Warlord's Beard    Weapon Damage: +25, Critical Hit Percent: +10
2673    Pointy Wizard Beard    dsstache8.gif    81894746f014526635bbe291dc3371be    neutral    none
Effect    Pointy Wizard Beard    Spell Damage: +25, Spell Critical Percent: +10
2674    Cowboy Stache    dsstache9.gif    dc23d0e46b5883aacc81ba236798616a    neutral    none
Effect    Cowboy Stache    Ranged Damage: +25, Maximum HP: +50, Maximum MP: +25
2675    Friendly Chops    dsstache10.gif    4052b13b7b1351690476fc4f1ccd6025    neutral    none
Effect    Friendly Chops    Meat Drop: +100, Sleaze Resistance: +5
2676    Spectacle Moustache    dsstache11.gif    3e53514c96e5971554a64859776333c5    neutral    none
Effect    Spectacle Moustache    Item Drop: +50, Spooky Resistance: +5


Staff member
One additional feature that would be nice for supporting the helmet would be buff tracking; it looks like buffs cycle in an order based on your class, so knowing what your last buff was (or what index in the list you're at) would be helpful. Something like `lastShavingBuff` or `shavingBuffIndex` would go a long way to making it easier for scripts to support this.


Possibly helpful for spaders:
1: If unaffected, you will get a different beard during the next combat.
2: I did test on the Mad Hartrack
2a: First round of combat, it delevels. I haven't tried multi-round combats.
Your foe briefly recoils from your helmet's whirling razors.
Monster Attack Monster attack power reduced by 15
Monster Defense Monster defense reduced by 15
2b: After combat, dances. I suspect this indicates item drop increase, as dancing usually does.
The blade-tipped arms of your helmet swing around in a little victory dance.
2c: If you're due for a shave, it will give you a new beard.