Feature - Implemented Items available from Coin Masters should appear in Purchases


Staff member
In this thread, I suggested this:
What about Purchases? Right now, we have MallPurchaseRequest which goes either to the Mall or the NPC stores. We should have PurchaseRequest subclassed into MallPurchaseRequest, NPCPurchaseRequest, and CoinMasterPurchaseRequest. If you search for "dolphin whistle", why not show the mall results, as now, but also show "Big Brother (unlimited @ 1 sand dollar)", just like "wad of dough" shows "Degrassi Knoll Bakery (unlimited @50)".


Active member
Sounds awesome. I may actually start using the Purchases tab again for more than just fuzzy item matching. :)


Staff member
And Revision 9516 does exactly that.

I'm leaving this open, for now, so that people can try it, give me feedback, and report bugs.

I expect bugs in deciding whether you can actually purchase the item; each Coin Master determines on its own whether it is available and what, if anything, you have to do in order to MAKE it available.

For example, the Dimemaster is available is the war has been started, but not finished, and you have the War Hippy Fatigues available. In order to execute the purchase, we have to put on the War Hippy Fatigues.

Big Brother is available if you have freed him, have a way to go underwater (which should always be true, if you've done the first), and your familiar either breathes underwater or you have a way to let it do so.

The Lunar stores are available if you have either Transpondent or a transponder. In order to "make them available", we will use a transponder if you say "purchase" and are not already Transpondent.

These are all the same checks which used to be built-in to the Coin Masters Frame. Now, they are available if you make a Coin Masters purchase in other ways - of which the Purchases tab is the first.

Unlike NPC Store purchases, I do not currently save & restore a backup outfit if you need to swap equipment to make a purchase. I probably should.

I eagerly await feedback.


In general, when I read this, I thought it was a swell idea. I haven't actually tried to purchase the CoinMaster-style items, so cannot give any feedback on actual usage.

However, I *did* find it a bit disconcerting to find that unlimited leather aviator's caps were available at the A.W.O.L. Quartermaster store. The choice was, of course, grayed out so it was merely a shadow/ghost of its former self. Yet, it got me wondering whether it actually makes sense to include CoinMaster vendors that are no longer available (and probably never will be). Crimbo stores come to mind as another example, or that occasional Traveler guy with once-in-a-lifetime items.

For now, I see no harm in leaving things as they are, but it still seems a bit....odd.


Staff member
Just because YOU don't have enough commendations to buy an aviator's cap doesn't mean that others - like me, for one - don't have them. I could buy an aviator's cap today, if I wanted, although I'm in no hurry to do so; I'm going to watch what happens to all the A.W.O.L. items as time passes before deciding what to do with my remaining commendations.

The ones that will never come back are in Removed and probably need not be there. But, they are on the bottom, and shouldn't be in your way.

The Traveling Trader? I am really looking forward to him coming back and seeing if we automatically detect what he has to offer for how many of what item.