Bug Infinite loop when shoring


I have 2 adventures and was automating shoring. It kept looping "Encounter: Welcome to The Shore, Inc." until I manually left it via relay browser. This is r13500 though the 5 newest revisions don't seem like they'd fix this.
Can't say I've ever "automated" the shore, but my advice: Don't do that. Don't try to automate something that takes 3 turns a pop when you have 2 turns available. Just don't.
Well, I had over 200 adventures and started it and left it. When I came back it was doing that. I pressed escape and it continued to spam that line in the CLI.

Also, a small feature request semi-related to this: If the place you're adventuring takes more than 1 adventure, it should automatically lower the amount of requests it sends in the target box (e.g. if it takes 2 turns, make 101 adventures 50). This could get tricky if you have Fishy and it will run out in the middle of automating, especially when factoring in things that don't take an adventure... hm...
Well, the thing there is that that box does not actually equal adventures but "requests" so to say, or turnips as I think I've seen them called before which may take one or more turns each.
A "turnip" is a "turn/trip".

There is nothing to stop your betweenBattleScript (which is run before submitting each adventure) from noticing that your nextAdventure is in The Sea and doing something to give you Fishy, if you are not currently Fishy. In other words, if you have 60 adventures left and attempt to automate for 60 "turnips", just because you are not currently Fishy is not a reason for the Adventure Frame to peg you at 30 attempts. Instead, it is willing to attempt 60 - and it will (or should, at least) give up when you run out of adventures. It will also give up if you are not Fishy after the script is run and have only one adventure left.

Of course, it also looks to me like it will give up if you attempt to go to The Shore and have less than three adventures left. I'll have to see if I can reproduce what you are seeing.