Feature - Rejected Increase default size of CLI window


Staff member
Using the setting to share mall price data, the last line in the gCLI right after I log in is "494 prices updated from http://kolmafia.us/scripts/updateprices.php?action=getmap". This URL is longer than the displayed width of the CLI, and as a result the window shows the right edge of the text, hiding the left edge until I resize the window every session. Given that the URL is printed to the gCLI based on a mafia setting, can the default gCLI width be increased?


I don't have that problem at all. I haven't resized anything and have a good inch or two of whitespace on the right hand side of that particular line of text (see attached pic). I will say that when I had a smaller monitor, rather than the widescreen that I currently have, mafia's interface took up damn near my entire screen real estate. I don't think having a default change here would be a good idea for those who simply don't have the physical screen real estate space to handle that sort of thing. It's easier to manually increase the size of something than it is to decrease the size of something you can't even find the edges to.

I will also say that doing a modtrace on certain things will be much larger than the width of my CLI, but I do those things so infrequently that manually resizing the screen is not a big deal.


  • CLIsize.jpg
    71.1 KB · Views: 66


Staff member
Currently I have to make the window wider every time I start up mafia. This is on a 1280x800 monitor. However, your window has much different dimensions than mine (mine is roughly twice as tall as it is wide), so maybe this isn't as simple as changing a number somewhere.


My monitor is 1920x1080. I chopped the top portion of the screen off above, but mafia's screen is pretty much same height and width, square shaped.