I have seen the following in my session log several times.
Fighting the copy shows a fight with Irrat's butt, as expected, so it is likely that this is just a parsing error.
"You receive a photocopied spooky vampire from the fax machine." gets the monster from the preference photocopyMonster but I have not checked how that is being set.
Configuring faxable monsters.
Configuring Easyfax (2504737)
Configuring CheeseFax (3038166)
Configuring OnlyFax (3690803)
Faxable monster lists fetched.
Visiting Fax Machine in clan VIP lounge
Asking OnlyFax to send a fax of Irrat's butt: [1049]Irrat's butt
Receiving a fax.
You acquire an item: photocopied monster
You receive a photocopied spooky vampire from the fax machine.
Fighting the copy shows a fight with Irrat's butt, as expected, so it is likely that this is just a parsing error.
"You receive a photocopied spooky vampire from the fax machine." gets the monster from the preference photocopyMonster but I have not checked how that is being set.