Bug Inconsistent matcher for daily specials


Active member
I did search for daily specials and didn't find anything on this, and wrestled with the bug/feature, but since it's inconsistent behaviour in mafia causing weird results, figured that was more of a bug than a feature. Anyways, on to the report:

I've been noticing the last few days, as I try to semi-micro-manage my Boris fortune cookies, that the daily specials don't use the same fuzzy matcher that normal consumption does, which causes... interesting messages sometimes. For example:
> eat 3 goat pizza

Verifying ingredients for goat cheese pizza (3)...
You need 3 more goat cheese to continue.

> eat 3 goat cheese pizza

Purchasing goat cheese pizza at the Chez Snootée...
You gain 10 Adventures
You gain 17 Cheek
You gain 3 Fullness
You spent 252 Meat
You lose some of an effect: Song of the Glorious Lunch
Goodie purchased.
Purchasing goat cheese pizza at the Chez Snootée...
I'll skip showing the second and third consumptions, but... basically, the normal fuzzy matcher realized that goat pizza can only be goat cheese pizza, and checked to see if it was available to me. Since I'm in HC and didn't have any goat cheese, it wasn't... except that today that's the daily special. However, it didn't match that as a valid option, so it failed completely... well, until I typed out the whole name. Or just contiguous letters. Believe that goat cheese p would have worked. Anyways... figured I should report it and someday it might get fixed up. Should help avoid cases where the daily special is something expensive and some new mafia player expects the fuzzy matchers to work the same way and ends up spending way more than expected. Thanks. :)