The Internal Database is a great feature of KoLmafia, particularly since the shunning of fuzzy matching for constants. Unfortunately it has one notable failing. If I highlight an item in the database and try to copy it to clipboard (so that I can paste it elsewhere), I get something like this:
I'd really like it if an attempt to copy it would produce the much more usable "modeling claymore" so that I can just copy it into $item[modeling claymore] without needing to edit.
For extra credit, add a "copy" button. Or maybe it would be easier to do if there was a button that would copy it to clipboard?
modeling claymore (6669) modeling claymore (6669) modeling claymore (6669)
I'd really like it if an attempt to copy it would produce the much more usable "modeling claymore" so that I can just copy it into $item[modeling claymore] without needing to edit.
For extra credit, add a "copy" button. Or maybe it would be easier to do if there was a button that would copy it to clipboard?