Bug - Cannot Reproduce Images wont load

Works for me.

r15605, Firefox 34.0.5, no Greasemonkey scripts, Windows 7 Home Premium, SP1, x64, Bale's forest helper relay script presumably kicked in for me when I visited the Distant Woods.

I understand that a picture is worth 1000 words but just the picture doesn't give anyone anything to go on.

You might consider trying to clear your browser's cache and then do the gCLI command "cache clear" or maybe just complaining to your ISP about your lousy connection. But at this point I see a problem with your system/environment, not KoLmafia,
Some other people have mentioned problems with the initial images on a new build of mafia. It seems like defaulting to image caching, for people with slower connections, causes this. While it will eventually make their KoL experience much better, it does have that initial, "Wait, I have to let it finish loading?" response.