Illarion's NeoStasis script v1.4

Indeed it was :) Thanks to you and BDrag0n for your continued support of this script; it was a ton of fun to work on.
I have to agree, Gemelli - this has been a fun and interesting project, and I think I've just about made up the time spent working on the script by the time saved by the script :P - and had a lot of fun, trying to teach a computer to stasis properly (and learning a lot about both ASH and stasis in the process!)
Well, thanks to both of you :) Not only did your input and constructive criticism make it (much) more interesting developing the script, but you both made seriously good additions to the functionality.

This being my first experience of (sort of) open-sourcing something I've written - even if it was just a script - was really positive.

Let's hope there's something worth automating with NS13, and we can all put our heads together and teach Mafia to do it ;)
Just wanted to say I liked watching this script being made. Hopefully you'll be able to pull out something equally cool for NS-13 :)
Well, loan me a bakula, and I could give it a go :)

Seriously, probably not too hard - though of course Mafia will be lacking info on the new enemies and so on for some time yet.
Yeah, we could probably sent up a bakula loaner, if you need it.

Here's how the bakula works, exactly, to the best of my knowledge (and personal experience). All possible results uniformly distributed.
Damage   HP Restore    MP Restore
  11          5             6       
  12          6             6       
  13          6             7       
  14          7             7       
  15          7             8       
  16          8             8       
  17          8             9
  18          9             9
  19          9             10       
  20          10            10
For 15.5 average damage, 7.5 average HP restore, and 8 average MP restore, per turn.

Another thing to note is that against physical resistant mosnters, the bakula only does 1 damage, but still restores fully. Also, bakula does not break noodles.

[/begzor] ;)
So what combat are you looking for here? Bear in mind I've literally never done a softcore run - I have no idea what it's like with the best equipment and extreme ML.

Is it as simple as using vampiric urges over and over, with noodles and/or finisher when needed to avoid death?
[quote author=illarion link=topic=799.msg5164#msg5164 date=1184847724]
So what combat are you looking for here?

Is it as simple as using vampiric urges over and over, with noodles and/or finisher when needed to avoid death?
Pretty much, yes. All the logic should pretty much be in place from the stasis script, like the damage prediction mechanism, and panic/kill-monster mechanisms. The only real differences I can think of is that it would need to account for a minimum (to be safe) bakula restore each round, so that it didn't decide to kill the monster a round sooner than necessary; that the bakula damage is different from sphere damage; and that you wouldn't want to ever cast healing skills in battle. And I suppose the panic/kill mechanism altered a little to account for the combat skill changes.

But yes, it would basically be as simple as noodles, then urges over and over, until HP is going low and it needs to kill the monster.
OK, well, I'm happy to have a go at it, but it won't be too soon I'm afraid. Lots of RL stuff on at present - don't even have time to play KoL :(