how to...?


how do you select other combat items to use in the auto adventure burn?
I selected a place to adventure, as well as a custom combat script which uses meat vortexes but it just keeps attacking.
alternatively, if its like the NPZR farming problem, would changing it to meat vortex, spell, meat vortex, spell work?
I'm confused, perhaps you could clear it up for me. You want a custom combat script that will

1: item meat vortex
2: skill wave of sauce
3: item meat vortex
4: skill wave of sauce
5: item meat vortex
6: skill wave of sauce
keep cutting and pasting and renumbering until you get to 30

Nothing will get you past current NPZR restrictions, try another familiar. If you must use the NPZR see EFN's response.
you understand the NPZR farming problem, where it changes to auto attack, yeah?
well i would like to meat vortex farm. However, i have a script which meat vortexes, but i only seem to be getting one load of meat. im not using an NPZR, and its not in the castle. Whats up?
Does it not work with any familiars. Try it with, say, your mosquito. Does it also not work with that familiar?

If not, copy and paste the script and let us look at it.
Which mafia isn't going to object to if you have your mosquito equipped, right? Or are is use of meat vortex outlawed over a certain level alltogether?

That was what I was trying to troubleshoot, is this a stasis issue, a scripting issue or a user issue?