How Many Untainted Eggnogs Do I Have?


I am probably a 'tard.

I looked all over the 'Net for the CLI command to simply list how many eggnogs I have in my Colossal Closet.

From the CLI "closet" just gives the whole content list

"closet eggnog" yields 'Invalid closet command.'

"inv eggong" is obviously my inventory, not the closet contents.

Thanks for helping a poor Sauceror out!

I am not an expert on the CLI topic, but I did look through the raw-code and I have seen nothing that would enable one to determine the number of Untainted Eggnog in one's closet via gCLI.

In other words, I don't think it is possible.
Isn't there a way to remove all of a particular item from the closet though? You can do it in two steps.

1) Remove all noggs from the closet
2) inv eggnog

Unless you need to keep them in the closet. : (
closet put Untainted Eggnog

I think you mean
closet put * Untainted Eggnog

Otherwise won't it just put one? Or does it asssume all if no amount is given?
No un-needed server hits:

how many in the closet?
Print("your closet contains " + closet_amount( $item[Untainted Eggnog] ) + " Untainted Eggnogs");

How many total do I have in my inventory and closet.
Print("you have " + to_string( item_amount($item[Untainted Eggnog]) + closet_amount($item[Untainted Eggnog])) + " Untainted Eggnog.");

It uses ash commands, but Will execute inside a CLI script if you make sure you get the inline-ash-script and /inline-ash-script before and after respectively (with the greater than and less than signs).