how do you add El Dia de Los Muertos Borrachos monsters to custom combat script


New member
They are:
El Novio Cadáver
El Padre Cadáver
La Novia Cadáver
La Persona Inocente Cadáver

i tried using a regular a without the accent and used windows alt codes to put an á in there, neither worked, mafia always tells me im on my own on these.

I would leave them out and have it just use a regular attack on them, but because of the way they scale i need to use combat skills to kill them

anyone know what i need to do to get this to work properly?
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You can add them all with the following line:

[ Cadáver ]
1: abort

Obviously change the combat action to whatever you deem appropriate, but since all of them match Cadáver and no other monster in the game matches that text, you only need a single line.