How do I disable script?


New member
Recently I started using Bale's CounterChecker script ( ). It helped in leveling up in the Ballroom as Moxie class, but I have several questions / issues:

1. It automates my SR acquisition in aftercore. Is there a way to disable this automated SR acquisition? I want mafia to stop automation when SR counter expired instead of automatically choosing the most expensive SR. Failing that, is there a way to disable this script after I used it as my counter script ('set counterscript = counterchecker.ash' ) ?

2. Can it automate Absinthe use like it automate Dance Card use?

To disable, just do "set counterscript =" with nothing after the equal sign.

If you want to disable SR completely, search for case "Fortune Cookie" and replace from the "if (!can_interact..." section until the } before the case "Wormwood": line with an abort of some sort that will make you know what you're aborting for.
To disable, just do "set counterscript =" with nothing after the equal sign.

If you want to disable SR completely, search for case "Fortune Cookie" and replace from the "if (!can_interact..." section until the } before the case "Wormwood": line with an abort of some sort that will make you know what you're aborting for.

Thanks for your reply.

I entered the command "set counterscript =", and when my SR counter is up, it stopped automation and told me that SR counter is up. However, when I told Mafia to adventure in an area for its SR, CC apparently overrid the automation, searched for the most expensive SR in the mall, and adventured there instead (meaning the script is not disabled yet).

That said, another issue I've got is when my Dance Counter is up and I told it to spend one adventure in the Ballroom, it spent 2 instead; 1 for the Matilda, and another for that 1 adventure I told it to spend.

set counterScript=

Capital letters are not the same as lower case letters.

Ah, now it gave an indication "counterScript =>". I've yet to try this out (since I'm at 23 drunk), but I've got a good feeling about this.

Thank you very much :D