How can I get two pulldown lists at the same time?

Bloody Knuckles

New member
I'm writing a script that starts like this:

 void main ( boolean DoIt, boolean DoNot)

But instead of two pull down lists at the same time, like I expected, it first shows one pull down list, and then the other. Does anyone know how how to get kolmafia to show both pulldown lists at the same time?
I'm writing a script that starts like this:

 void main ( boolean DoIt, boolean DoNot)

But instead of two pull down lists at the same time, like I expected, it first shows one pull down list, and then the other. Does anyone know how how to get kolmafia to show both pulldown lists at the same time?

I'm not sure why you expected the lists to be displayed simultaneously rather than sequentially. I'm not sure what your use case is but I don't think as things now stand you can force the second to be displayed before the first is responded to. I'd probably have a single list with four options (corresponding to FF, FT, TF and TT) and have something that separates the response into two Booleans...
Can you write custom objects in mafia? I want to try writing an a custom object with two bools as internal variables.

Are you looking for records? But I don't think you can create a custom object in the sense that you can in Java. Think lightweight scripting language with a couple of OO type features...