Hobo Cooldown Script


New member
I wasn't able to find anything here. Maybe it's too far away, or maybe I'm just blind. Wait, that's something different - scratch that.

I'm looking for a script that will cycle hobo spells for a specified number of adventures during hamster runs. Something to make my life a little easier as cooldown parts maker.

If you can help me, please send a message to NoxNecronis via PM or Kmail with your fee.
Here is a (very) simple consult script that will cycle through the 120 MP Hobo spells (plus Weapon of the Pastalord for skins).

Download hobo_cycle.ash to your /scripts folder and prepare a CCS like this:
[ hobo ]
consult hobo_cycle.ash

  • I'm guessing this is for a fairly high level character, so this script is very basic and assumes that one cast of each 120 MP spell is enough to kill a hobo.
  • Each time the script is called, it reads the hobo_cycle Mafia preference. The preference tells him what element is needed.
  • The corresponding spell is cast (once), and hobo_cycle is set to the next element in the list.
  • The list goes hot -> cold -> stench -> spooky -> sleaze -> none (I assumed you also wanted to make skins).

Once your CCS is setup, all you need to do is setup the hobo_cycle preference. Depending on what element you want the script to start with, type one of these lines in the gCLI:
set hobo_cycle = hot
set hobo_cycle = cold
set hobo_cycle = stench
set hobo_cycle = spooky
set hobo_cycle = sleaze
set hobo_cycle = none
Just enter the number of adventures you want to automate, make sure Mafia's Action is set to 'custom combat script', make sure autoattack is disabled, make sure MP will be restored between fights, and hit 'begin'.


[ Oops, I kinda ninja'd you there. If the OP doesn't mind, I'll post the script that I threw together for him. ]