Hobo-Clean v0.3
If you want a script that makes scarehobos, balances your non-combat modifiers according to zone and generally blasts through a Hobopolis-instance in time to get you a hamster, this is not the script for you. What it will do, is slowly plod along while getting the items your item-producing familiars drop. It will also farm semi-rares from the hobopolis side-zones (i.e. Burnbarrel Blvd. and the PLD, haven't set up more advanced value-checking at the moment) when those are open (PS. using this together with a counterscript is probably not a splendid idea).
The idea for this script came from NoxNecronis who commissioned it from me, "to be available for the general populace", as he put it. So thanks to him for giving me something to hone my scripting skills on. Please note that I am a fairly inexperienced ash-scripter, so there are probably a lot of improvements still to be made on this script. I'll try to listen to and maybe even implement any suggestions its users might have.
I also want to say thanks to the people who have given me advice and help here on the KoLmafia-forums and in KoL-chat. Especially I'd like to thank Alhifar for helping me find properties I somehow overlooked myself and generally being very helpful with any questions I've directed at him. Thanks for being helpful also goes to Grotfang, Theraze, Slyz, Roippi, Veracity and Catch-22 for responding to my threads and coming with helpful advice.
Please note that there are some settings for the script you're likely to want to change before using it. At the moment you have to actually open the script in a text-editor to change these (they're located at the top, should be fairly obvious). I think I've documented what they do fairly well within the script so unless there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I will not be going through them here.
The script is also relying on you having set the choices for the different choice-adventures in Hobopolis and the different side-areas, it will not set any of those on its own. The script will also stop if the user doesn't have access to the townsquare, meaning that you'll have to clear the sewer on your own.
Good luck with your adventuring, and please provide feedback here if you have any suggestions on how to make this script
What it does:
How to use:
Known issues:
Version history:
Version 0.3 Added the 2013n yearly familiars, and removed some errors popping up of the script containing unreachable code, missing return values etc.
Version 0.2 I'm told the semi-rares in an area are available even when the boss is up. Semi rare logic updated to reflect this.
Version 0.1 Initial release
If you want a script that makes scarehobos, balances your non-combat modifiers according to zone and generally blasts through a Hobopolis-instance in time to get you a hamster, this is not the script for you. What it will do, is slowly plod along while getting the items your item-producing familiars drop. It will also farm semi-rares from the hobopolis side-zones (i.e. Burnbarrel Blvd. and the PLD, haven't set up more advanced value-checking at the moment) when those are open (PS. using this together with a counterscript is probably not a splendid idea).
The idea for this script came from NoxNecronis who commissioned it from me, "to be available for the general populace", as he put it. So thanks to him for giving me something to hone my scripting skills on. Please note that I am a fairly inexperienced ash-scripter, so there are probably a lot of improvements still to be made on this script. I'll try to listen to and maybe even implement any suggestions its users might have.
I also want to say thanks to the people who have given me advice and help here on the KoLmafia-forums and in KoL-chat. Especially I'd like to thank Alhifar for helping me find properties I somehow overlooked myself and generally being very helpful with any questions I've directed at him. Thanks for being helpful also goes to Grotfang, Theraze, Slyz, Roippi, Veracity and Catch-22 for responding to my threads and coming with helpful advice.
Please note that there are some settings for the script you're likely to want to change before using it. At the moment you have to actually open the script in a text-editor to change these (they're located at the top, should be fairly obvious). I think I've documented what they do fairly well within the script so unless there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I will not be going through them here.
The script is also relying on you having set the choices for the different choice-adventures in Hobopolis and the different side-areas, it will not set any of those on its own. The script will also stop if the user doesn't have access to the townsquare, meaning that you'll have to clear the sewer on your own.
Good luck with your adventuring, and please provide feedback here if you have any suggestions on how to make this script
What it does:
- It will adventure in Hobopolis for a number of adventures you decide upon when you call the script.
- If your fortune counter number comes up it will attempt to get a SR from either Burnbarrel Blvd. or the Purple Light District. You can change these locations if you like, but it is currently just set up for two areas, and it'll very likely have trouble with areas outside of Hobopolis.
- After getting a semirare, or if you don't have a SR counter when the script is called, it will attempt to eat a fortune cookie.
- It will cycle through all the familiars the character has which can drop items (e.g. Xenomorph drops Transponders, Stomping Boots drops pastes, etc.).
- It will use two different CCSs, one for familiars such as the Rogue Program which have a chance of restoring mp every round, and one default CCS. Please note that you'll have to set up these yourself.
How to use:
- Download the file at the bottom of this post to your scripts folder.
- Open it in a text-editor to decide on your settings (remember to save afterwards).
- Call it from the scripts menu or (g)cli of kolmafia.
- A recent-ish version of kolmafia. I haven't checked how far back it'll keep working, but I know it works on r10444 and newer.
- Being in a clan where you have access to Hobopolis, and where you've passed through the sewer (and all the hobos aren't dead
Known issues:
- There is some wonkiness after getting a semi-rare where the script seems to have some trouble finding the next counter-number. It shouldn't have any practical issues for a character using it for adventuring, but it makes the script go through the pre-adventuring loop one more time than strictly necessary. If anyone here can help me pinpoint the problem I'd be very grateful.
- There might be a discrepancy between the number of drops listed from the Pair of Stomping Boots and what it actually has dropped. This will only be an issue if you've encountered a boss-type monster in Hobopolis, which I only think will be an issue on FoB/El Dia..., or maybe on certain challenge paths. It happens on account of the script using the property _bootStomps instead of _pasteDrops to determine when to be happy with what the boots have provided for you. I'm somewhat undecided on whether or not to do anything about this.
Version history:
Version 0.3 Added the 2013n yearly familiars, and removed some errors popping up of the script containing unreachable code, missing return values etc.
Version 0.2 I'm told the semi-rares in an area are available even when the boss is up. Semi rare logic updated to reflect this.
Version 0.1 Initial release
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