Hobo Buff Bot


New member
Tried searching for this topic already but came up short, so I appologize if this has been discussed before.

I've been running a successful buffbot for quite sometime now without any serious issues- thank you for making that easy on me! Sadly, the bot is a sauceror and doesn't have the AT Hobo Buffs.

I've created a new bot specifically for this purpose, but I seem to be having some troubles and not sure if it's me, or that the built-in buffbot manager just can't do it.

When it has reached the max 10 casts/day and another request is made for that buff, according to the mafia readout, it says it casts the buff, but in reality it doesn't. Since it thinks it did cast it, it's not refunding the meat. So, can the built in buff-bot manager account for the buffs with limited casts (aka Hobo buffs) and refund when not available?

Any help on the matter would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
When it has reached the max 10 casts/day and another request is made for that buff, according to the mafia readout, it says it casts the buff, but in reality it doesn't. Since it thinks it did cast it, it's not refunding the meat. So, can the built in buff-bot manager account for the buffs with limited casts (aka Hobo buffs) and refund when not available?

There's probably a more elegant fix than this, but have you thought about using a daily variable as a counter?

void main()
    if( buff me with <buff> )
        if( to_int( get_property( "_buffnameCounter" ) ) < 10 )
            int counter_addition = to_int( get_property( "_buffnameCounter" ) );
            counter_addition = counter_addition + 1;
            set_property( "_buffnameCounter" , counter_addition );

Obviously "buff me with..." and "castbuff()" are pseudocode. I don't know if that helps... I don't know how mafia's inbuilt handling can be adapted by your own changes.
This deserves a feature request, although I think mafia not tracking daily-limited skills is probably getting into bug territory. I was going to make it, since my buffbot wastes a lot of time thinking it cast Hobopolis buffs when it actually didn't, but I've already made quite a few lately so I felt I should hold off for a while. :)

This also applies to Donho's Bubbly Ballad.