Hidden Temple Auto Completion?


New member
Okay so I want to make it so kolmafia automatically adventures in the spooky forest, gathers all the materials for the temple map, and uses the map. I know it already has a feature like this but it just tells me when the 3 choice adventure comes up so I end up having to manually complete it. I'm wondering if it's possible to make a script for this and any help I can get would be much appreciated!!!
There's actually a script for this available in the Rinn quest scripts. The one you want is named Unlock Temple. Go to the dropbox, skip the zip file. :)

And nope, Level 2 just does the mosquito quest... the Rinn scripts are mostly modular. Except for Fighting the Baron... I should probably break that off on its own eventually, then we can have normal tavern execution for the rest of it.