

I have some questions:
1) Can you make a CLI or ASH that can do pvp?
2) Is there a function that checks the cheapest price in the mall?
3) In breakfast (v. 12.0) it says: "Attempting to win a price (x of 3)." What is this?
4) Is there a command like goto?

That was all the questions ;)
1) Yes.
2) No.
3) I would assume it is supposed to be "priZe" not "priCe" meaning the Mr. Klaw items.
4) What would this command be used for?
I think by goto he probably meant something like,
goto(council) or maybe goto(icy peak)
If thats what you mean, then no. Not exactly. You may want to look into visit_url() it basically enables you do to anything in Kol. You just have to do everything yourself.
I assumed he meant something like this

Yes it was that i meant!

Can you give me an example?

The ASH bounty hunter functions doesn't work in my script.
Here is the script:
#Changes the clovers to bigrocks and sell them!

use(item_amount($item[disassembled clover]), $item[disassembled clover]);

adventure(item_amount($item[Ten-leaf clover]), $location[Lemon Party]);

put_shop(4000, 0, $item[big rock]);

#Get the blessing

void main(string bless)
  if(bless = "food")
  if(bless = "familiar")
  if(bless = "booze")
if(bounty_hunter_wants($item[hobo gristle]))
  print("Today it's the bounty hunter day!");
I have also tried hunter_wants(item) and bounty_wants(item)
You know that there are cli commands for getting the friar buffs? "friars _____". Also, the reason the bounty stuff doesn't work is because there is no ASH command like what you list. I believe there used to be commands like you mention, but that was for determining what items the bounty hunter was buying that day (before the bounty hunter got the revamp). If you want to see a list of current ASH commands type "ashref" into the gCLI and poof you get a whole list. "ashref filter" will only list the commands that match the string "filter". So "ashref bounty" would return all functions that have the phrase "bounty" in them, which there are none.
There is no function to check the BHH item, currently. But if one so desires to, one may be able tinker with Izchak's BHH script and create a function that will do as one should wish.