Help: I'm completely lost


New member
Hi there,

I'm trying to run KOL Mafia to run the Dwarven Machine Factory Quest, and I feel like I did back in Calculus class - there's something fundamental that I'm completely missing.

I'm looking at the guide and so far so good, but by the time I get I'm just lost. I can't even get my browser to download these scripts, let alone get KOLMafia to run them.

What am I missing?
I'll take a stab at it but first a warning: both the factory puzzle solver and the miner script are unmaintained and have not been updated in quite a while. Even if you get everything installed properly they may not work.

  1. Start KoLmafia, log in, and go to the Graphical CLI (GCLI) tab in the GUI
  2. Install ZLib by copying this into the line at the bottom of the GCLI (the one with the "exec" button next to it: svn checkout and then press enter, or the "exec" button
  3. Download the "Miner" script referenced by the factory puzzle solver. Not the one on the first page but the one attached to post 70, on page four of the thread, to your KoLmafia scripts directory
  4. Download the copy of the dwfa script on the first page of the factory puzzle solver thread to your KoLmafia scripts directory
Everything should now be installed properly and you may now follow the instructions on how to run the dwfa script from the forum thread.