Feature - Implemented get hermit items automatically, like other npc items


Active member
Fix cooking how?

And how exactly are you asking for hermit items... automatically buying gum until you get a worthless item, automatically buying the permit, and then purchasing the item you desire without knowing if it will have enough meat to finish up its purchases? Based on which stat, the NPC store, or a different one? Maybe a new preference?

More info on both would help. :)


I can't say for sure what forgot means, but I think he's saying that hermit items (particularly the jabanero pepper) should be considered acquirable, so you could "acquire painful penne" and mafia would use gum to get a worthless item, trade the worthless item for a pepper, and cook the penne. The hermit item should be assigned a meat cost pessimistically (i.e., assume that you will get all remaining gummable items before getting the worthless item), so that the operation will never fail midway through. I would agree with this request - hermit items effectively just cost meat now, and they should be treated as such when possible. Practically, it would make eating penne slightly more convenient.

I don't know anything about cooking being broken.


Active member
Unless the cooking request is exactly what you just described... but yes, should be fine to add hermit acquisition given a pessimistic outlook on hermit items (either always giving it a cost of 800, the 100 for the permit plus the 14 attempt worst-chance... or is it 16 worst-chance?) or actually calculating what the cost will be to guarantee success, especially as that's what the current code is set to do... (purchase enough to get all gum items regardless of what you want, since, hey, it's just meat, right? -_-)

The main question is, what preference to attach it to... NPC or give it a new one?


Active member
I'd say the NPC since you need to buy from NPCs anyway to make use of it.
"o hai i can has pepper kthxbai?"
<Purchasing gum!>
<You used a buttload of gum!>
<Purchasing permit!>
<You acquire a permit!>
<You don't have hermit looting enabled.>
"We are not amused"
In all reality, it seems more like a purchase now than a sensitive, adventure-consuming issue. If anything, a check could be made to prevent fishing if it potentially costs more meat than you have, but I don't really see it as an issue.


Active member
Well, it'll never cost more than ((total number of gum items - 2) * 50) meat. 16 possible items, of which 3 are worthless, making a maximum of 14 attempts. It'll never cost more than 700 meat to guarantee an initial worthless item, plus 100 if you haven't hacked the hermit.

I'd say that this should probably use the current logic of the in/out of ronin method, but estimating at the out cost, as that's the worst possible case...


Staff member
With the Hermit integrated into Coin Masters, and Coin Masters integrated into "acquire", if you have a worthless item in inventory, KoLmafia will know that you can use it to get a jaba pepper and will show you recipes that require a pepper.

It will NOT show you such items as available if you do not have a worthless item in inventory.

Huh. I could probably make that work by initializing the number of "creatable" worthless items to be (something) based on estimated number of gums-on-strings it would take to get them - in which case we would automatically show hermit-item recipes as available if you have enough Meat to get a worthless item.

I sort of like that idea. In order for it to work correctly, we need this bug fixed, so that we account for the additional cost of Hermit Permits to cash in worthless items.


Staff member
Revision 9690 now shows concoctions creatable using Hermit items, even if you have no worthless items in inventory. It calculates the "cost" based on the probabilistic "expected" number of gums you will need to use, based on how many sewer items you currently have. That ranges from 1 (if you have all 13 items) to 4.25 (if you start with 0 items).

It does not take the cost of a Hermit Permit into account, yet. I also just realized that it always prices gum at 50, rather than taking Travoltan Trousers into account. Huh.

In any case, I'm marking this "fixed". The Hermit Permit issue is a separate bug report, which already exists.