Bug - Not A Bug Garbo keeps crashing on me

Queen Zo

New member
I posted this on the ASS github bug site, but someone suggested I post it here as well. I haven't been able to run garbo for a few days, as it keeps crashing. Sometimes my error message is "KoLmafia thinks it is round 2 but KoL thinks it is round 1" Sometimes my char just gets killed or it says "You're on your own, partner. (Too many, or zero, matches for skill, '(changes depending on the skill it wants)', macro aborted.)", The HP/MP Usage keeps wanting to stick at 0 and Mood Setup wants to stay at apathetic, and then it's very easy for me to get defeated. "Autorecovery failed" Has anyone else had these problems lately? It seems to have started with the KGE nerf. I also added a debug file in case that helps. My class is PM.


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This pretty much needs to be handled by the garbo maintainers. Presumably it is related to the embezzler being marked NO COPY.
> The HP/MP Usage keeps wanting to stick at 0 and Mood Setup wants to stay at apathetic, and then it's very easy for me to get defeated.

Garbo is doing this.

You are a high level and going by https://api.aventuristo.net/av-snapshot?u=Queen+Zo have a full combat suite; why are you dying? You don't have rain-doh or a time-spinner or Meteor Lore, but you do have pantsgiving, so it should be delevelling a little bit.

Get a porquoise-handled sixgun if you don't already have one?

From the Mafia side, we can't help unless we can consistently reproduce the problem (on a random account, not just yours) so "whenever I run garbo it breaks" isn't enough information.
If it started with the embezzler change, it might be that you're having trouble fighting garbo's replacement the cheerless mime executive. I know of other people having problems with it, because it scales and it scales + 60 according to the wiki.