GameInform Script Request


Nothing fancy, just something that will use/read a magazine, then adventure in the necessary locations. I don't know how hard that would be to script so compensation is definitely negotiable, my unDYING gratitude is just an awesome bonus.

Reply here or contact me ingame, same name.

My hero!! Thanks for taking the time to do this and the super fast response, it does all I need it to do. Look for my gushing kmail filled with hugs and fillet mignon!
Just for stuff and giggles, here's mine.
text inv_use.php?pwd&confirm=Yep.&whichitem=6174
adv 30 level 1;
adv 30 level 2;
text place.php?whichplace=faqdungeon
adv 30 level 3;
I haven't looked at Rinn's, but I'm confident it's better. The "text place.php?whichplace=faqdungeon" prevents a bug where Mafia and KoL infinite loop on some level 3 mazes.
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Rinn's is similar (though ASH, not gCLI) but checks for if the last step is a maze rather than hitting it each time. Saves 5/6th of a hit... or a hit 5 out of 6 times. There's 6 different possibilities, right? Anyways, similar, yeah. :p
Hey, I just found this thread by googling and I'm running Rinn's script. But it keeps stopping Mafia whenever it runs into a choice adventure. Anyone know what's up with that?
Just validating... you ARE using a recent/latest version of mafia from the Daily Builds at the top of this page, right?
I've been running the version of DailyPro.ash posted above several times a day and love it. Thank you. The visitor from the future who comes here looking for that very script should be advised that it uses the two parameter version of buy. The two parameter version, when used without care, can spend a whole lot of meat. That warning aside, this implementation is "with care" since it only tries to buy once and will exit if the magazine is not in inventory after the purchase attempt.
Mafia isn't stopping for me, but I notice every single choice adv in the entire game (even ones where it's been telling me where I should go for eons) are all saying "choice # not valid" or something like that in red print on the cgli page. I assumed Ed broke it. That's what I assume about everything these days. I may be wrong.
Mafia isn't stopping for me, but I notice every single choice adv in the entire game (even ones where it's been telling me where I should go for eons) are all saying "choice # not valid" or something like that in red print on the cgli page. I assumed Ed broke it. That's what I assume about everything these days. I may be wrong.

Since Ed did break a lot of things and the mafia devs have been working hard to get it all back in shape, it would probably be a good idea to post which KoLmafia version you're using and to make sure you're using the very latest version. The situation is very fluid with many things coming to light and being fixed.
text inv_use.php?pwd&confirm=Yep.&whichitem=6174
try; adv 30 Video Game level 1;
try; adv 30 Video Game level 2;
text place.php?whichplace=faqdungeon
try; adv 30 Video Game level 3;
I had to try's to get the adv commands to complete without error.
What version of mafia are you using? Make sure you get the most current build and try again. Also make sure you clear your cache and cookies since changes were made to Kol the last few nights
Has anyone made a current script for this dungeon?
I'v tried running Rinn's, but it's a little out of date and stops once level one is done. Mafia auto adv works well, but gets stuck on the maze quite often.
I'll take a look.

Edit: Here this should work now and if it fails you can just run it again and it should pick up where it left off.


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Thank you very much Rinn, for revisiting the script. Much appreciated!

The script no longer halts after completing a level. Though it is unfortunately having some issues with completing choices in Level 3.
I Ran through the dungeon Seven times:
Stuck repeating at maze - 5/7 times.
Manual control requested for choice #662 (Think or Thwim)
Manual control requested for choice #659 (How Does a Floating Platform Even Work?)

Decided to run the script on two other characters. They worked perfectly fine. Seems something on the one character is messing it up.
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Maybe it was your first character?? I had the same problem, but fixed automatically with the second one.