Bug - Fixed Gaining level in Relay Browser doesn't update compact side pane


Staff member
This is new - presumably resulting from the recent change in level parsing to support Zootimist.
This is what I see in the center pane.

Screenshot 2025-02-25 at 12.18.16 PM.png

This is what I see in the charpane.

Screenshot 2025-02-25 at 12.18.44 PM.png

This is what I see in the compact side pane.

Screenshot 2025-02-25 at 12.19.39 PM.png

If I hit the refresh status button - which calls api.php - the compact side pane recognizes I am Level 11.
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This happened again. I decided to see if there was anything I could do before rollover, and, hey - I have a Giant Black Monolith in my campground. I used it, popped to Level 13 - and the charpane showed it - but the side-pane said I was Level 12.

Ryo said, in his commit that stopped calculating Level from substats, that we COULD parse level from charpane.php, but he didn't see the point.
I think we now see the point.
CharPaneRequest didn't call setLevel in processResults - although it did call updateStatus.
I have an open PR, complete with tests...