New Content - Implemented frying brainpan


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r12430 (because I usually only run one revision on a given day) - mafia doesn't recognize frying brainpan (from dreadsylvania, hot skeleton) as sauceror pan (it pulled oil pan instead).
The frying brainpan allows casting of sauceror buffs as any class (this is tested as seal clubber with the JEW hat):
Your frying brainpan sizzles as you conjure a Jalapeño Saucesphere around yourself (25 Adventures)...
That's base duration 20 (same as wiki claims)

(aside: I wonder if any of the other item there work as 20-base turtle totem; zombie accordion (zombie homeowner's association boss drop) works as 20-base accordion for everyone)
Getting this to behave as expected was actually a fair amount of work. Fortunately, the refactoring should make the zombie accordion Just Work as well. I agree with your aside - Tamer buffs need an "available to anyone" 20-base item, too.

There was special code to handle getting the appropriate tool into inventory. It was hardcoded to expect that the first item on the list was the post-nemesis LEW, the second was the LEW, and the third was the item which will be brought into inventory - purchasing if necessary - if the first two were not available. (This is all post-Ronin, of course; in Hardcore/Ronin, a different path dealt with only items in inventory.)

The default "bring to inventory" item was the Epic Weapon - or the oil pan, which is better. A frying brainpan is far better - and if you have it in storage (or closet and allow retrieval from there), it should be the choice to retrieve. But if you don't have one, they are far too expensive to auto-buy in order to cast longer duration sauce buffs.

The refactoring will choose the best available tool that you own, or will buy the "default not-too-expensive" item if you don't own anything better.

Revision 12438